Quantum University makes available to its private alumni networking group certain job listings regarding possible employment opportunities and other job-related content, including links to third-party websites (“Job Listings”). These are provided for free on an “AS IS – WHERE IS” basis and “WITH ALL FAULTS”. Quantum University has no obligation to post any Job Listings. You are solely responsible for the content of any Job Listings that you submit to Quantum University, and agree that Quantum University is not responsible for such content and hereby disclaims all liability for such content, including as to whether such content is legal. You are solely responsible for compliance with applicable laws for all such content in your Job Listings, including (without limitation) minimum wage requirements, wage transparency laws, or any other law. It is your responsibility to refrain from posting Job Listings that directly or indirectly discriminate against job seekers or otherwise violate applicable law. You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Quantum University, its officers, directors, agents, affiliates, and licensors from any third-party claim or liability (including without limitation reasonable legal fees) arising out of Job Listings submitted by you to Quantum University, or any message sent by you to job seekers. If you change any Job Listings that you post with Quantum University, you agree to promptly update such Job Listings or otherwise notify Quantum University. You agree that Quantum University may reject or remove Job Listings for any or no reason. You acknowledge and agree that Job Listings may be responded to by job seekers over whom Quantum University exercises no control. You are solely responsible for vetting and screening any and all such job seekers.