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Immersive Digital Medicine

Immersive Digital Medicine

Immersive Digital Medicine

By Dr. Paul Drouin, M.D., Founder and President, Quantum University

There is a game changer in every generation, something unexpected that alters the course of our cultural behavior, in this case our medical culture. Who would have imagined that the smartphone would profoundly transform many areas of our society, from our personal communications to the way we access information? The next decade is likely to see the implementation of digital technology in the monitoring of our health potential, shifting the focus from a medicine of disease to a medicine of wellness and health. (1)

Modern medicine is at an economic crossroads where we are doomed to contemplate two paths, neither of which addresses the real problem. At present, there is a furious debate raging in America about healthcare. Without going into the politics of the debate, I wonder whether we are really paying attention to the right questions.

I have been exposed to two different models of medicine during my medical career: a socialized system in Canada and a private insurance-based system in America. The real problem, no matter what our strategy for paying medical bills, is that neither system will be able to afford the continually rising costs of conventional medicine. (2)

What we should look at first is: How do we practice medicine? This article will explore one of the first steps: observation and evaluation of the client from a point of view of health, rather than disease.

Game Changer: How to Observe the Client

In this new model of medicine, the dynamic of looking at the client is shifted from a quest to identify what’s wrong with the patient (a disease model) to looking at what we can do to increase their health potential. When this process takes place, the responsibility and authority for healing are placed in the hands of the client, rather than the doctor, whereas in the conventional model, the balance of the power is in the hands of the doctor. This is what we call the democratization of medicine, where the client gains a greater awareness of all the factors that are engaged in their process of healing and entangled with a greater reality that is Consciousness.

Let’s look more closely at how the first step of evaluation can be integrated in a new healing relationship called Immersive Digital Coaching.

Sometimes great changes are initiated by a simple application. This is true of the implementation of smartphone technology in monitoring lifestyle habits and learning new behaviors, which can have tremendous consequences on the major risk factors in our society related to cardiovascular disease, degenerative diseases, cancer, and aging.

The main player in the new professional healthcare team will be the Quantum Health Coach.

Coaching has been present in wellness medicine for at least the last three decades.

Originally the coach listened to their clients and guided them to make the best choices. The second generation of coaches added nutrition and lifestyle to their guidance. The third generation will add another step to the process of mirroring to the client their own health status using biofeedback to measure what I call the parameters of health, such as brain coherence, heart rate variability, fitness, sleep, and nutritional vitality, to name a few. In other words, this is what I call “Scaling Health.”

As a medical doctor, science has provided me with lab tests, radiology expertise, and many other investigative tools to diagnose disease, but very few tools to guide my clients to total health. Can you imagine a medical doctor following a client for loss of weight who never regularly checks their weight or asks how they feel about their weight? By the same reasoning, Scaling Health is crucial to guiding the client toward their highest potential for health.

This is where smartphone technology comes into play. Today hundreds of sensors have been developed to feed back to the client information about their health and also to keep them motivated to achieve their optimal health destiny, with the guidance of a Quantum Health Coach.

Why a Quantum Health Coach (QHC)?

At Quantum University, a Quantum Health Coach (QHC) is trained both technically, to take advantage of these technologies and implement them, and also to have a greater awareness of the infinite possibilities of the human being through the scope of neuroscience and quantum physics.

The QHC also has the opportunity to pursue higher credentials as a Doctor/PhD in Integrative Medicine or Natural Medicine. The field of coaching is very diversified today and, in a few years, will require more credentials. Coaching to reach the full human potential requires greater knowledge and technical skills that can help to propel the client to their full potentiality.

What Are the Main Health Parameters to Track to Make a Difference?

This is a very critical question, since hundreds of different sensors have been developed in the last ten years. The strategy is to retain the few that can have the most impact on our health potential. Collecting too much feedback information may make a practical approach with clients impossible. Most clients will have no more than an hour or even half an hour a day to comply with a long-term daily routine. Spending 2-3 hours at a gym for fitness is not realistic for most of us. The best performance strategy requires minimal time to achieve the most health impact.

These are the four targets of interest:

  1. Brain Coherence: Mediation is the least expensive panacea that exists. (Over 600 scientific research studies conducted at more than 200 independent universities and research institutions in 30 countries have demonstrated the profound benefits of meditation.)(4)
  2. Heart Coherence: Developing HRV is proven to have the greatest impact on cardiovascular risk: reducing cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attacks, etc.(5)
  3. Fitness and Sleep: Steps, walking, and exercising have been demonstrated to have tremendous benefits on health.(6)
  4. Nutrition: The vibrational frequency and vitality of food can also be tracked with apps. Vibrant, organic and healthy food is crucial for weight management and many degenerative diseases (diabetes, arthritis, and many others).

Quantum University trains Quantum Health Coaches to use a customized coaching app, Qoach, which allows them to engage clients, monitor their health patterns, and help them improve their habits. With the Qoach app, simple daily tracking takes the pain out of accountability. In one easy step, clients can sync their app with many other popular health apps or send charts from any other application. This makes it easier for clients to track their daily activities (brain and heart coherence, fitness, and nutrition) and for the QHC to keep track of their clients’ progress toward optimal health.

Qoach can be used to send instant personal messages to clients, save time with group messages, or plan ahead with scheduled messages. QHCs can also create forum-style groups and leaderboards that drive further engagement with clients.

Scaling Health is easy. Whether a QHC deals with only a few clients or up to 5,000, Qoach ensures the security and confidentiality of their information.

A Future Vision for Healthcare 

This is a very exciting time to be alive. Out of what could be a medical catastrophe can emerge a more creative and humanistic way to become whole again. This approach allows the core foundation of health to be re-centered around the reality of the full potential of the individual, instead of focusing on disease. The individual will be able to re-appropriate the right to heal through costless and affordable technologies available to everyone on the planet.

The model of evaluating clients that I have explained in this blog will be supported by digital medicine. Preventive care will be shared with clients equipped with friendly technologies (such as Qoach) that can support a positive lifestyle and decrease traffic in the clinics. Going to the hospital will become a last resort after all other means of therapy have been exhausted.

What really matters is to finally look at the human being in terms of infinite possibilities, whereby the means of restoring health could also be infinite.


(1) Jeevannavar, S.S. (2016 May 12). Digital Health for All: Trends 2016-2020. [Image file]. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/digital-health-all-trends-2016-2020-dr-maj-satish-s-jeevannavar

(2) Conover, C. (2012 Dec 22). The Cost of Health Care: 1958 vs. 2012. Forbes: Pharma & Healthcare. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisconover/2012/12/22/the-cost-of-health-care-1958-vs-2012/#2e43c2149106

(3) Drouin, P. (2014). Creative Integrative Medicine: A medical doctor’s journey toward a new vision for healthcare. Independently Published, ISBN-13: 978-1075282577.

(4) Brain Coherence:

  • Arias, A.J., Steinberg, K., Banga, A., Trestman, R.L. (2006). Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Meditation Techniques as Treatments for Medical Illness. J Alt & Compl Med, 12(8):817-832. doi:10.1089/acm.2006.12.817
  • Borchard, J., and Teasdale, T. (2014). The Mindful Way Workbook. The Guilford Press New York
  • Glover, V. (1997). Maternal Stress or anxiety in pregnancy and emotional development of the child. Br J Psychiatry, 171:105-6
  • Hoge, E. A., Bui, E., Goetter, E., Robinaugh, D. J., Ojserkis, R. A., Fresco, D. M., & Simon, N. M. (2015). Change in decentering mediates improvement in anxiety in mindfulness-based stress reduction for generalized anxiety disorder. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 39(2):228-235. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10608-014-9646-4
  • Hoge, E.A, Bui, E., Palitz, S.A., Schwarz, N.R., Owens, M.E., Johnston, J.M., Pollack, M.H., & Simon, N.M. (2017). The effect of mindfulness meditation training on biological acute stress responses in generalized anxiety disorder, Psychiatry Research, ISSN 0165-1781, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.006
  • Hölzel, B.K., Carmody, J., Evans, K.C., Hoge, E.A., Dusek, J.A., Morgan, L, Pitman, R.K., &  Lazar, S.W. (2010). Stress reduction correlates with structural changes in the amygdala. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; 5(1):11-17. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsp034
  • Hölzel, B. K., Hoge, E. A., Greve, D. N., Gard, T., Creswell, J. D., Brown, K. W., . . . Lazar, S. W. (2013). Neural mechanisms of symptom improvements in generalized anxiety disorder following mindfulness training. NeuroImage. Clinical, 2:448-458. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.03.011I
  • Kaul, P., Passafiume, J., Sargent, C.R., O’Hara, B.F. (2010 Jul 29). Meditation acutely improves psychomotor vigilance, and may decrease sleep need. Behav Brain Funct. doi: 10.1186/1744-9081-6-47
  • Lutz, A., Greischar, L. L., Rawlings, N. B., Ricard, M., and Davidson, R. J. (2004) Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice. PNAS, 101(46) 16369-16373; published ahead of print November 8, 2004, doi:10.1073/pnas.0407401101
  • Marcus, M. T., & Zgierska, A. (2009). Mindfulness-Based Therapies for Substance Use Disorders: Part 1 (Editorial). Substance AbuseOfficial Publication of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse, 30(4), 263. http://doi.org/10.1080/08897070903250027
  • Star, Katharina, PhD. http://panicdisorder.about.com/. 1 February 2015.
  • Zgierska, A., Rabago, D., Chawla, N., Kushner, K., Koehler, R., & Marlatt, A. (2009). Mindfulness Meditation for Substance Use Disorders: A Systematic Review. Substance AbuseOfficial Publication of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse, 30(4), 266–294. http://doi.org/10.1080/08897070903250019

(5) HRV:

  • Davies, S. (2014 Apr 12). Heart Rate Variability Training and Why You Should Be Doing It. Bionic.ly Innovations in Health. https://bionic.ly/heart-rate-variability-training-and-why-you-should-be-doing-it/
  • Dekker, J.M., Crow, R.S., Folsom, A.R., Hannan, P.J., Liao, D., Sweene, C.A., and Schouten, E.G. (2000 Sep 12). Low Heart Rate Variability in a 2-Minute Rhythm Strip Predicts Risk of Coronary Heart Disease and Mortality From Several Causes, The ARIC Study. Circulation, 102(11). Retrieved from http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/102/11/1239
  • The ARIC Study. Circulation, 102 (11). Retrieved from http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/102/11/1239
  • Fang, S.-C., Wu, Y.-L., & Tsai, P.-S. (2020). Heart Rate Variability and Risk of All-Cause Death and Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies. Biological Research For Nursing, 22(1), 45–56. https://doi.org/10.1177/1099800419877442

(6) Exercise:

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A dynamic tool designed to transform your business plan into a strategic asset. Simplify the process by inputting your practice details, and let this new technology handle the rest. This groundbreaking tool not only saves time but also ensures efficiency, accurate financial modeling, and a professionally tailored roadmap for success. It’s a game-changer, placing cutting-edge technology at your fingertips so you can focus more on your clients and less on the complexities of business planning.



$ 99 / Month


AI Business Planner: A dynamic tool designed to transform your business plan into a strategic asset. Simplify the process by inputting your practice details, and let this new technology handle the rest. This groundbreaking tool not only saves time but also ensures efficiency, accurate financial modeling, and a professionally tailored roadmap for success. It’s a game-changer, placing cutting-edge technology at your fingertips so you can focus more on your clients and less on the complexities of business planning.

Marketing Guides: Our comprehensive suite of guides is designed to provide you with a kick-start for your holistic health business. Dive into the Referral Marketing guide to master the art of word-of-mouth promotion, learn the ins and outs of effective Social Media Marketing for a strong online presence, and unlock the secrets of impactful Email Marketing to nurture client relationships. Additionally, our guide on Building Your Communications Plan and Calendar ensures you have a strategic roadmap for consistent and targeted messaging. These step-by-step guides are invaluable resources, offering practical insights to elevate various aspects of your business, making sure you’re well-equipped for success.

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$ 1,010/year


AI Business Planner: A dynamic tool designed to transform your business plan into a strategic asset. Simplify the process by inputting your practice details, and let this new technology handle the rest. This groundbreaking tool not only saves time but also ensures efficiency, accurate financial modeling, and a professionally tailored roadmap for success. It’s a game-changer, placing cutting-edge technology at your fingertips so you can focus more on your clients and less on the complexities of business planning.

Marketing Guides: Our comprehensive suite of guides is designed to provide you with a kick-start for your holistic health business. Dive into the Referral Marketing guide to master the art of word-of-mouth promotion, learn the ins and outs of effective Social Media Marketing for a strong online presence, and unlock the secrets of impactful Email Marketing to nurture client relationships. Additionally, our guide on Building Your Communications Plan and Calendar ensures you have a strategic roadmap for consistent and targeted messaging. These step-by-step guides are invaluable resources, offering practical insights to elevate various aspects of your business, making sure you’re well-equipped for success.

Image Library: Get access to an Image Library for a wealth of visuals to enhance your website, advertising, social media, or email campaigns, all accessible under the QUAA account

Showcase your literary or podcast accomplishments in the Alumni Library. Your work will be featured and promoted monthly through the QUAA newsletter, networking group, and more, ensuring your achievements reach a wider audience

Enroll in our Advocacy Program and amplify the impact of your advocacy endeavors while enjoying financial rewards. As a QUAA Advocate, you earn a continuous 9% kickback for each successful alumni referral you make to the association, making your commitment not only impactful but also financially advantageous





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Receive client payments generated by your team services to a centralized account and withdraw available balance to Stripe at any time.

Track revenue and services you’ve delivered to your clients on a monthly basis. Admins can additionally analyze performance per team member.
Control your team members’ access, permissions and billing status.⁤ and dedicated coaching & onboarding sessions to help you get started!

Please note that all Team Members must hold Board Certification and relevant Liability Insurance.



$ 199 / Month

9% Service Fee on the Exponential Healthcare Platform


  • 1 x 1-Hour Custom Onboarding Session: Receive guidance directly from the developers and business experts behind the technology that powers the Exponential Healthcare Platform. We’ve worked closely with these specialists to bring the platform to life, and now they’re here to provide advanced training tailored to your needs.
  • 2 x Group Onboarding Sessions Per Month: Twice a month, join our exclusive group sessions (capped at 10 participants per session) for targeted service creation with professional insights. Bring your questions, collaborate with peers, and explore solutions in an interactive setting. Reserve your spot early to ensure your place in these valuable sessions!
  • Access to Signature Program Templates: Leverage our exclusive templates to create custom health and wellness packages with ease, providing your clients with unique and well-structured offerings.
  • Access to Comprehensive Training Guides and Materials: Our suite of Training Guides and Materials offers you self-paced resources for understanding and using the platform. Whenever you need to reference information or study, these guides provide clear instructions and detailed insights, available to you at any time.
  • Unlimited Technical Support: Receive prompt responses to technical issues within 1 to 24 hours, based on urgency, and the opportunity to join a live call with an expert for more in-depth assistance.
  • Unlimited Membership Support: Receive dedicated support for any queries about your membership benefits, including our wellness tools and resources, through secure messaging or by scheduling a call with our team for more personalized assistance.
  • Social Ads Spotlight: With a $500 monthly investment from QUAA, we’re featuring two distinguished Exponential Healthcare Coaches and their services on the social media paid advertising network. This targeted exposure ensures your services reach a market genuinely interested in holistic healthcare. Elevate your presence and leverage this professional marketing opportunity with your Platinum Membership.
  • Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory: Boost your visibility by being prominently featured in the Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory/Marketplace, connecting you with potential clients and expanding your reach.

Refine your skills and elevate your expertise with our complimentary training classes, expertly crafted to help you master every tool and application available from the QUAA for serving your clients. As a Platinum Member, you’ll be automatically enrolled in these classes once your Exponential Healthcare Workspace is set up. Where applicable, upon completion, you’ll unlock access to the tools and resources created to empower you to confidently offer innovative wellness experiences to your clients.

  • Wellness At Your Fingertips
  • Exponential Health Coaching – Quantum Evaluation
  • The Noosphere Healing Chamber
  • Health Tracking for Wellness
  • Created An Informed Consent Form
  • Create Your Signature Program
  • Finding Your Niche
  • An Introduction to Default Services
  • Master Training with Qoach AI

One of the tools available after completion of the respective advanced training class is the Quantum Evaluation Web Tool. Drawing from traditional Taoist medicine, this web-based questionnaire features 100 questions aligned with the 5 Elements, facilitating a comprehensive baseline health analysis. Elevate your clients’ well-being by inviting them to take this assessment, providing powerful insights for crafting personalized wellness plans and guiding them toward optimal health.

Another tool available after completing the respective advanced training class is the Noosphere Healing Chamber. An experimental space that allows users to upload client images, voice recordings, and microscopic blood visuals. Utilizing the potent energy of the star tetrahedron, this virtual chamber is designed to produce targeted energetic effects in alignment with the intention of healing. Drawing inspiration from Lynne McTaggart and Nassim Haramein’s teachings, it integrates principles reminiscent of Vacuum Engineering on a virtual scale, harmonizing with Collective Consciousness to amplify intentional healing.

Meet Qoach AI, your new strategic business partner empowering you to design health protocols that are as dynamic as your clients’ needs. Whether you’re seeking a guiding light to kickstart your career or aiming to streamline your approach for greater efficiency, Qoach AI is your go-to solution for creating personalized wellness plans that deliver results.

Your personal study mentor from Quantum University! Loaded with the wisdom and knowledge of your previous or current holistic and natural medicine degree track. This innovative platform provides 24/7 support allowing you to easily navigate courses, clarify concepts, and access crucial information needed for educational or professional use.

As a Quantum University Health Coach or Bachelor’s graduate in the midst of your studies, there are two paths to earn Practicum Credits as a Platinum Member of the Alumni Association:

Path One: Accrue Practicum Hours based on the number of client sessions sold on the Exponential Healthcare Platform. Each session sold is worth 2 Practicum Hours. Simply export your Exponential Healthcare Session Hours from your Account, and submit this to your Student Mentor.

Path Two: Be an active Platinum Member of the Alumni Association and Exponential Healthcare Platform for at least one year. This entails selling a minimum of four sessions per week (or 14 per month, totaling around 167 per year). Upon meeting this requirement, you’ll earn a bonus of 300 Practicum Credits. When you have reached this milestone, you will be sent a One Year Membership Certificate, simply submit this to your Student Mentor.

Propel your journey forward and gain hands-on experience with every session you contribute.



$499.80 /Year


Log in to your course site and access your full program curriculum, including new and updated courses, QU’s Alumni Dissertation Library, and the EBSCO Research Library.

Special discounts and offers from Quantum University Health, Wellness, and Technology Partners.

A dynamic tool designed to transform your business plan into a strategic asset. Simplify the process by inputting your practice details, and let this new technology handle the rest. This groundbreaking tool not only saves time but also ensures efficiency, accurate financial modeling, and a professionally tailored roadmap for success. It’s a game-changer, placing cutting-edge technology at your fingertips so you can focus more on your clients and less on the complexities of business planning.



$ 2029.80/ Year

9% Service Fee on the Exponential Healthcare Platform


  • 1:1 Virtual Business Building Sessions: Engage in (4) 60-minute business coaching sessions with the Exponential Healthcare support team. These sessions are meticulously designed to equip you with the skills and insights necessary for client engagement and the successful launch of your signature program on the Exponential Healthcare Platform.
  • 1:1 Virtual Mentoring Sessions: A 60-minute mentorship session with the accomplished Dr. Tara Deniz, a seasoned Quantum University graduate and successful entrepreneur in the realm of Exponential Healthcare. Benefit from valuable guidance on translating the modalities you learned at Quantum into impactful sessions for your clients on the Exponential Healthcare platform.
  • Feature in the Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory/Marketplace: Enhance your visibility and reach by being prominently featured in the Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory/Marketplace.
  • Access to Signature Program Templates: Leverage exclusive templates to shape and build your programs, offering unique health and wellness packages to your clients with ease.
  • Wellness At Your Fingertips
  • Exponential Health Coaching – Quantum Evaluation
  • The Noosphere Healing Chamber
  • Health Tracking for Wellness
  • Created An Informed Consent Form
  • Create Your Signature Program
  • Finding Your Niche
The Quantum Evaluation, drawing from traditional Taoist medicine, is a web-based questionnaire featuring 100 questions aligned with the 5 Elements, facilitating a comprehensive baseline health analysis. Elevate your clients’ well-being by inviting them to take this assessment, providing powerful insights for crafting personalized wellness plans and guiding them toward optimal health.
An experimental space that allows users to upload client images, voice recordings, and microscopic blood visuals. Utilizing the potent energy of the star tetrahedron, this virtual chamber is designed to produce targeted energetic effects in alignment with the intention of healing. Drawing inspiration from Lynne McTaggart and Nassim Haramein’s teachings, it integrates principles reminiscent of Vacuum Engineering on a virtual scale, harmonizing with Collective Consciousness to amplify intentional healing.

Your personal study mentor from Quantum University! Loaded with the wisdom and knowledge of your previous or current holistic and natural medicine degree track. This innovative platform provides 24/7 support allowing you to easily navigate courses, clarify concepts, and access crucial information needed for educational or professional use.

As a Quantum University Health Coach or Bachelor’s graduate in the midst of your studies, there are two paths to earn Practicum Credits as a Platinum Member of the Alumni Association:

Path One: Accrue Practicum Hours based on the number of client sessions sold on the Exponential Healthcare Platform. Each session sold is worth 2 Practicum Hours. Simply export your Exponential Healthcare Session Hours from your Account, and submit this to your Student Mentor.

Path Two: Be an active Platinum Member of the Alumni Association and Exponential Healthcare Platform for at least one year. This entails selling a minimum of four sessions per week (or 14 per month, totaling around 167 per year). Upon meeting this requirement, you’ll earn a bonus of 300 Practicum Credits. When you have reached this milestone, you will be sent a One Year Membership Certificate, simply submit this to your Student Mentor.

Propel your journey forward and gain hands-on experience with every session you contribute.

Introducing an Exclusive Benefit for Platinum Members: Social Ads Spotlight! With a $500 monthly investment from QUAA, we’re featuring two distinguished Exponential Healthcare Coaches and their services on the social media paid advertising network. Our Marketing Team will reach out to you for a strategic session to understand your goals and collect necessary marketing materials. Following this, we’ll develop ads for your approval, initiating a streamlined 2-3 week process from briefing to live ad deployment. This targeted exposure ensures your services reach a market genuinely interested in holistic healthcare. Elevate your presence and leverage this professional marketing opportunity with your Platinum Membership.



$ 2029.80 / Year

9% Service Fee on the Exponential Healthcare Platform


  • 2 x 1-Hour Custom Onboarding Sessions: Receive guidance directly from the developers and business experts behind the technology that powers the Exponential Healthcare Platform. We’ve worked closely with these specialists to bring the platform to life, and now they’re here to provide advanced training tailored to your needs.
  • 2 x 30-Minute Business-Building Support Sessions: After getting hands-on experience with the platform, receive additional tailored support to refine your business and tackle any specific challenges. These sessions dive deeper into the nuances to help you perfect your setup.
  • 2 x Group Onboarding Sessions Per Month: Twice a month, join our exclusive group sessions (capped at 10 participants per session) for targeted service creation with professional insights. Bring your questions, collaborate with peers, and explore solutions in an interactive setting. Reserve your spot early to ensure your place in these valuable sessions!
  • Access to Signature Program Templates: Leverage our exclusive templates to create custom health and wellness packages with ease, providing your clients with unique and well-structured offerings.
  • Access to Comprehensive Training Guides and Materials: Our suite of Training Guides and Materials offers you self-paced resources for understanding and using the platform. Whenever you need to reference information or study, these guides provide clear instructions and detailed insights, available to you at any time.
  • Unlimited Technical Support: Receive prompt responses to technical issues within 1 to 24 hours, based on urgency, and the opportunity to join a live call with an expert for more in-depth assistance.
  • Unlimited Membership Support: Receive dedicated support for any queries about your membership benefits, including our wellness tools and resources, through secure messaging or by scheduling a call with our team for more personalized assistance.
  • Social Ads Spotlight: With a $500 monthly investment from QUAA, we’re featuring two distinguished Exponential Healthcare Coaches and their services on the social media paid advertising network. This targeted exposure ensures your services reach a market genuinely interested in holistic healthcare. Elevate your presence and leverage this professional marketing opportunity with your Platinum Membership.
  • Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory: Boost your visibility by being prominently featured in the Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory/Marketplace, connecting you with potential clients and expanding your reach.

Refine your skills and elevate your expertise with our complimentary training classes, expertly crafted to help you master every tool and application available from the QUAA for serving your clients. As a Platinum Member, you’ll be automatically enrolled in these classes once your Exponential Healthcare Workspace is set up. Where applicable, upon completion, you’ll unlock access to the tools and resources created to empower you to confidently offer innovative wellness experiences to your clients.

  • Wellness At Your Fingertips
  • Exponential Health Coaching – Quantum Evaluation
  • The Noosphere Healing Chamber
  • Health Tracking for Wellness
  • Created An Informed Consent Form
  • Create Your Signature Program
  • Finding Your Niche
  • An Introduction to Default Services
  • Master Training with Qoach AI

One of the tools available after completion of the respective advanced training class is the Quantum Evaluation Web Tool. Drawing from traditional Taoist medicine, this web-based questionnaire features 100 questions aligned with the 5 Elements, facilitating a comprehensive baseline health analysis. Elevate your clients’ well-being by inviting them to take this assessment, providing powerful insights for crafting personalized wellness plans and guiding them toward optimal health.

Another tool available after completing the respective advanced training class is the Noosphere Healing Chamber. An experimental space that allows users to upload client images, voice recordings, and microscopic blood visuals. Utilizing the potent energy of the star tetrahedron, this virtual chamber is designed to produce targeted energetic effects in alignment with the intention of healing. Drawing inspiration from Lynne McTaggart and Nassim Haramein’s teachings, it integrates principles reminiscent of Vacuum Engineering on a virtual scale, harmonizing with Collective Consciousness to amplify intentional healing.

Meet Qoach AI, your new strategic business partner empowering you to design health protocols that are as dynamic as your clients’ needs. Whether you’re seeking a guiding light to kickstart your career or aiming to streamline your approach for greater efficiency, Qoach AI is your go-to solution for creating personalized wellness plans that deliver results.

Your personal study mentor from Quantum University! Loaded with the wisdom and knowledge of your previous or current holistic and natural medicine degree track. This innovative platform provides 24/7 support allowing you to easily navigate courses, clarify concepts, and access crucial information needed for educational or professional use.

As a Quantum University Health Coach or Bachelor’s graduate in the midst of your studies, there are two paths to earn Practicum Credits as a Platinum Member of the Alumni Association:

Path One: Accrue Practicum Hours based on the number of client sessions sold on the Exponential Healthcare Platform. Each session sold is worth 2 Practicum Hours. Simply export your Exponential Healthcare Session Hours from your Account, and submit this to your Student Mentor.

Path Two: Be an active Platinum Member of the Alumni Association and Exponential Healthcare Platform for at least one year. This entails selling a minimum of four sessions per week (or 14 per month, totaling around 167 per year). Upon meeting this requirement, you’ll earn a bonus of 300 Practicum Credits. When you have reached this milestone, you will be sent a One Year Membership Certificate, simply submit this to your Student Mentor.

Propel your journey forward and gain hands-on experience with every session you contribute.