
From Student to Professional: Dr. Angela’s Natural Medicine Journey

From Student to Professional: Dr. Angela’s Natural Medicine Journey

Some people, like Dr. Angela Jebailey, know their passion is for holistic healing but are unsure of the path to get there. Learn how she benefitted from her education at Quantum University and became the spiritual healer she always hoped to be. 

Only a few individuals possess the knowledge of where life will truly lead them. Dr. Angela Jebailey initially embarked on a different career path, unaware that her true passion could be a legitimate profession. However, her perspective shifted when she discovered the convergence of spirituality and science in the realm of physical and mind-based healing. This realization prompted her to enroll at Quantum University, obtain certification as a holistic healer, and embark on a natural treatment journey with clients. Her captivating story serves as a constant reminder, inspiring people to relentlessly pursue their dreams and embrace their unique selves each day.

An Early Attraction

Dr. Angela Jebailey’s early life was characterized by her multicultural mindset, which became a defining feature. Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, she frequently relocated with her parents, never settling in one country for long. Consequently, Dr. Angela embarked on a global journey, traveling to the United States, Brazil, Lebanon, and Dubai. The nomadic nature of her upbringing consisted of attending ten schools by the time she reached the 12th grade. Immersed in such a diverse environment, she embraced various cultures and even mastered five languages. It comes as no surprise, then, that she felt a magnetic attraction to natural healing methods rooted in the concept of interconnectedness.

However, before embarking on her path as a natural healer, Dr. Angela pursued other endeavors. She obtained Bachelor’s degrees in biology and nutrition, followed by a Master’s degree in teaching. For a span of 12 years, she passionately served as a basketball coach and biology teacher. It was during this period that she began to explore the intriguing intersection between science and philosophy. A pivotal moment arrived when she stumbled upon a book written by Dr. Bruce Lipton, which sparked a profound realization within her: she had been “teaching everything wrong.” This revelation ignited her interest in health, wellness, spirituality, and science, yet she grappled with how to harmonize these seemingly disparate fields.

Finding a Path

Many career paths combine science with health and wellness, but attaching spirituality creates a uniquely constructed career. During her formative years, Dr. Angela aspired to become a heart surgeon, but her connection to the “spiritual world” hindered her pursuit of that path. She believed that choosing a purely science-based career without emphasis on spirituality would create an internal conflict, leading her to question her choices. Due to this, she chose to pursue biology, temporarily unable to find a seamless connection between the two.

But, when Dr. Angela discovered the world of quantum physics, her viewpoint shifted. Quantum physics acted as a bridge linking the fields of science and spirituality. It was through this newfound perspective that she encountered Quantum University, propelling her forward on an extraordinary journey. 

Choosing Quantum University 

Engaging in a conversation about her transition from teaching to holistic health coaching, Dr. Angela found herself intrigued by the experiences of a friend who was currently enrolled at Quantum University. Eager to explore further, she decided to visit the university’s website to assess if their curriculum aligned with her aspirations. What she found changed her life course for the better. She immediately envisioned taking classes at Quantum since they combined spirituality with science, precisely the curriculum Dr. Angela was searching for. 

After enrolling, Dr. Angela became more outspoken in her education. While she often viewed herself as an “independent” learner, it was through the courses of Dr. Amit Goswami that her educational experience truly flourished. By actively observing and learning from the educators who shared her passion, Dr. Angela discovered an environment where she could thrive wholeheartedly at Quantum University.

From Hobby to Diploma

Dr. Angela discovered that she was in love with what she was learning. She found that no other university was talking about, let alone teaching, the spiritual side of medicine, which she connected with deeply. Unlike the majority of students who typically spend over a year pursuing their courses at Quantum University, Dr. Angela accomplished her entire course in a remarkable span of just five months. After 12 years of prior studying the intersection of biology and spirituality, she found the curriculum familiar and straightforward, building on knowledge naturally. Dr. Angela excelled in her projects. 

During her time at Quantum University, Dr. Angela studied the intricacies of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and its relationship with the chakras. This particular interest stemmed from her deep understanding of “woman’s submission in the Arab world” and the higher incidence of PCOS among women who had experienced sexual abuse. Through her studies, Dr. Angela made a profound discovery—the connection between blockages in the lower three chakras and the adverse health effects associated with PCOS.

This realization served as a powerful catalyst for Dr. Angela’s transformative journey. Fueled by the desire to shed light on the intricate intersections of the body, mind, and spirit, she made the courageous decision to bid farewell to her role as a biology teacher. Embracing her newfound knowledge, she embarked on a new path by establishing a holistic health coaching business. Through this venture, Dr. Angela aimed to raise awareness and facilitate healing, illuminating the connection between the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of well-being.

Practicing Holistic Healing

In the summer of 2022, Dr. Angela took a courageous leap and established her very own holistic coaching business. While her venture is still in its early stages, the journey has been immensely gratifying, marked by steady growth and fulfillment. Drawing from her personal experience as a member of the LGBTQ+ community and recognizing the impact of self-acceptance on both physical and mental well-being, Dr. Angela finds great joy in working with individuals from the LGBTQ+ community. Leveraging her background in teaching, Dr. Angela has harnessed her skills to make a difference in her clients’ lives in just a few short months. Through her guidance, she has successfully facilitated transformative journeys, helping individuals break free from the grip of recurring negative thoughts and fostering a positive state of personal growth.  

Dr. Angela seamlessly integrates a multitude of modalities she acquired during her time at Quantum University into her holistic coaching practice. Drawing upon her training, she incorporates meditation, energy healing, and the creation of a non-judgmental space for deep listening. Embracing the power of technology, she leverages virtual connections to curate personalized content, sourcing videos and materials that cater to each client’s unique needs. Complementing these resources, she develops custom worksheets and hosts insightful workshops, serving as pillars of support to “build up and guide” her clients through their daily struggles. 

Building rapport is a cornerstone of Dr. Angela’s practice, and it is the aspect she cherishes the most. The exchange of energy and connection with her clients invigorates her, propelling her and her clients forward on their healing journeys. Dr. Angela’s impact is evident through the numerous positive testimonials she has received. From those grappling with anxiety and depression to individuals burdened by negative self-talk and low self-esteem, she skillfully guides them all toward transformative holistic healing experiences.

What the Future Holds

Dr. Angela Jebailey will always be thankful to Quantum University, as her education there empowered her to understand and teach about “the energy in our body,” both physical and spiritual. Today, she lives nomadically without a home, traveling from place to place and connecting with as many people as possible, which she loves most. For everyone interested in holistic healing, Dr. Angela recommends “connect, connect, connect.” Instead of isolating yourself, she recommends reaching out to others and having a human, spiritual connection. Dr. Angela says social interaction is vital, no matter how much you learn, so connect with others as much as possible today.

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  • 1:1 Virtual Business Building Sessions: Engage in (4) 60-minute business coaching sessions with the Exponential Healthcare support team. These sessions are meticulously designed to equip you with the skills and insights necessary for client engagement and the successful launch of your signature program on the Exponential Healthcare Platform.
  • 1:1 Virtual Mentoring Sessions: A 60-minute mentorship session with the accomplished Dr. Tara Deniz, a seasoned Quantum University graduate and successful entrepreneur in the realm of Exponential Healthcare. Benefit from valuable guidance on translating the modalities you learned at Quantum into impactful sessions for your clients on the Exponential Healthcare platform.
  • Feature in the Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory/Marketplace: Enhance your visibility and reach by being prominently featured in the Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory/Marketplace.
  • Access to Signature Program Templates: Leverage exclusive templates to shape and build your programs, offering unique health and wellness packages to your clients with ease.
  • Wellness At Your Fingertips
  • Exponential Health Coaching – Quantum Evaluation
  • The Noosphere Healing Chamber
  • Health Tracking for Wellness
  • Created An Informed Consent Form
  • Create Your Signature Program
  • Finding Your Niche
The Quantum Evaluation, drawing from traditional Taoist medicine, is a web-based questionnaire featuring 100 questions aligned with the 5 Elements, facilitating a comprehensive baseline health analysis. Elevate your clients’ well-being by inviting them to take this assessment, providing powerful insights for crafting personalized wellness plans and guiding them toward optimal health.
An experimental space that allows users to upload client images, voice recordings, and microscopic blood visuals. Utilizing the potent energy of the star tetrahedron, this virtual chamber is designed to produce targeted energetic effects in alignment with the intention of healing. Drawing inspiration from Lynne McTaggart and Nassim Haramein’s teachings, it integrates principles reminiscent of Vacuum Engineering on a virtual scale, harmonizing with Collective Consciousness to amplify intentional healing.

Your personal study mentor from Quantum University! Loaded with the wisdom and knowledge of your previous or current holistic and natural medicine degree track. This innovative platform provides 24/7 support allowing you to easily navigate courses, clarify concepts, and access crucial information needed for educational or professional use.

As a Quantum University Health Coach or Bachelor’s graduate in the midst of your studies, there are two paths to earn Practicum Credits as a Platinum Member of the Alumni Association:

Path One: Accrue Practicum Hours based on the number of client sessions sold on the Exponential Healthcare Platform. Each session sold is worth 2 Practicum Hours. Simply export your Exponential Healthcare Session Hours from your Account, and submit this to your Student Mentor.

Path Two: Be an active Platinum Member of the Alumni Association and Exponential Healthcare Platform for at least one year. This entails selling a minimum of four sessions per week (or 14 per month, totaling around 167 per year). Upon meeting this requirement, you’ll earn a bonus of 300 Practicum Credits. When you have reached this milestone, you will be sent a One Year Membership Certificate, simply submit this to your Student Mentor.

Propel your journey forward and gain hands-on experience with every session you contribute.

Introducing an Exclusive Benefit for Platinum Members: Social Ads Spotlight! With a $500 monthly investment from QUAA, we’re featuring two distinguished Exponential Healthcare Coaches and their services on the social media paid advertising network. Our Marketing Team will reach out to you for a strategic session to understand your goals and collect necessary marketing materials. Following this, we’ll develop ads for your approval, initiating a streamlined 2-3 week process from briefing to live ad deployment. This targeted exposure ensures your services reach a market genuinely interested in holistic healthcare. Elevate your presence and leverage this professional marketing opportunity with your Platinum Membership.



$ 199 / Month

9% Service Fee on the Exponential Healthcare Platform


  • 1:1 Virtual Business Building Sessions: Engage in (4) 60-minute business coaching sessions with the Exponential Healthcare support team. These sessions are meticulously designed to equip you with the skills and insights necessary for client engagement and the successful launch of your signature program on the Exponential Healthcare Platform.
  • 1:1 Virtual Mentoring Sessions: A 60-minute mentorship session with the accomplished Dr. Tara Deniz, a seasoned Quantum University graduate and successful entrepreneur in the realm of Exponential Healthcare. Benefit from valuable guidance on translating the modalities you learned at Quantum into impactful sessions for your clients on the Exponential Healthcare platform.
  • Feature in the Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory/Marketplace: Enhance your visibility and reach by being prominently featured in the Exponential Healthcare Practitioner Directory/Marketplace.
  • Access to Signature Program Templates: Leverage exclusive templates to shape and build your programs, offering unique health and wellness packages to your clients with ease.
  • Wellness At Your Fingertips
  • Exponential Health Coaching – Quantum Evaluation
  • The Noosphere Healing Chamber
  • Health Tracking for Wellness
  • Created An Informed Consent Form
  • Create Your Signature Program
  • Finding Your Niche
The Quantum Evaluation, drawing from traditional Taoist medicine, is a web-based questionnaire featuring 100 questions aligned with the 5 Elements, facilitating a comprehensive baseline health analysis. Elevate your clients’ well-being by inviting them to take this assessment, providing powerful insights for crafting personalized wellness plans and guiding them toward optimal health.
An experimental space that allows users to upload client images, voice recordings, and microscopic blood visuals. Utilizing the potent energy of the star tetrahedron, this virtual chamber is designed to produce targeted energetic effects in alignment with the intention of healing. Drawing inspiration from Lynne McTaggart and Nassim Haramein’s teachings, it integrates principles reminiscent of Vacuum Engineering on a virtual scale, harmonizing with Collective Consciousness to amplify intentional healing.

Your personal study mentor from Quantum University! Loaded with the wisdom and knowledge of your previous or current holistic and natural medicine degree track. This innovative platform provides 24/7 support allowing you to easily navigate courses, clarify concepts, and access crucial information needed for educational or professional use.

As a Quantum University Health Coach or Bachelor’s graduate in the midst of your studies, there are two paths to earn Practicum Credits as a Platinum Member of the Alumni Association:

Path One: Accrue Practicum Hours based on the number of client sessions sold on the Exponential Healthcare Platform. Each session sold is worth 2 Practicum Hours. Simply export your Exponential Healthcare Session Hours from your Account, and submit this to your Student Mentor.

Path Two: Be an active Platinum Member of the Alumni Association and Exponential Healthcare Platform for at least one year. This entails selling a minimum of four sessions per week (or 14 per month, totaling around 167 per year). Upon meeting this requirement, you’ll earn a bonus of 300 Practicum Credits. When you have reached this milestone, you will be sent a One Year Membership Certificate, simply submit this to your Student Mentor.

Propel your journey forward and gain hands-on experience with every session you contribute.

Introducing an Exclusive Benefit for Platinum Members: Social Ads Spotlight! With a $500 monthly investment from QUAA, we’re featuring two distinguished Exponential Healthcare Coaches and their services on the social media paid advertising network. Our Marketing Team will reach out to you for a strategic session to understand your goals and collect necessary marketing materials. Following this, we’ll develop ads for your approval, initiating a streamlined 2-3 week process from briefing to live ad deployment. This targeted exposure ensures your services reach a market genuinely interested in holistic healthcare. Elevate your presence and leverage this professional marketing opportunity with your Platinum Membership.





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$ 49/month


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$ 99 / Month


As a valued Gold Member of the Quantum University Alumni Association, you have access to our premium suite of business-building services. Dive into advanced training classes, specialized programs, and personalized support from our Alumni Services Support team. These resources are crafted to equip you with the confidence to successfully launch your business on the ‘Exponential Healthcare’ Platform, a state-of-the-art solution designed exclusively for holistic health providers. When you’re ready to launch, simply upgrade to our Platinum Membership option.

AI Business Planner: A dynamic tool designed to transform your business plan into a strategic asset. Simplify the process by inputting your practice details, and let this new technology handle the rest. This groundbreaking tool not only saves time but also ensures efficiency, accurate financial modeling, and a professionally tailored roadmap for success. It’s a game-changer, placing cutting-edge technology at your fingertips so you can focus more on your clients and less on the complexities of business planning.

Marketing Guides: Our comprehensive suite of guides is designed to provide you with a kick-start for your holistic health business. Dive into the Referral Marketing guide to master the art of word-of-mouth promotion, learn the ins and outs of effective Social Media Marketing for a strong online presence, and unlock the secrets of impactful Email Marketing to nurture client relationships. Additionally, our guide on Building Your Communications Plan and Calendar ensures you have a strategic roadmap for consistent and targeted messaging. These step-by-step guides are invaluable resources, offering practical insights to elevate various aspects of your business, making sure you’re well-equipped for success.

Image Library: Get access to an Image Library for a wealth of visuals to enhance your website, advertising, social media, or email campaigns, all accessible under the QUAA account

Showcase your literary or podcast accomplishments in the Alumni Library. Your work will be featured and promoted monthly through the QUAA newsletter, networking group, and more, ensuring your achievements reach a wider audience

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$ 1,010/year


As a valued Gold Member of the Quantum University Alumni Association, you have access to our premium suite of business-building services. Dive into advanced training classes, specialized programs, and personalized support from our Alumni Services Support team. These resources are crafted to equip you with the confidence to successfully launch your business on the ‘Exponential Healthcare’ Platform, a state-of-the-art solution designed exclusively for holistic health providers. When you’re ready to launch, simply upgrade to our Platinum Membership option.

AI Business Planner: A dynamic tool designed to transform your business plan into a strategic asset. Simplify the process by inputting your practice details, and let this new technology handle the rest. This groundbreaking tool not only saves time but also ensures efficiency, accurate financial modeling, and a professionally tailored roadmap for success. It’s a game-changer, placing cutting-edge technology at your fingertips so you can focus more on your clients and less on the complexities of business planning.

Marketing Guides: Our comprehensive suite of guides is designed to provide you with a kick-start for your holistic health business. Dive into the Referral Marketing guide to master the art of word-of-mouth promotion, learn the ins and outs of effective Social Media Marketing for a strong online presence, and unlock the secrets of impactful Email Marketing to nurture client relationships. Additionally, our guide on Building Your Communications Plan and Calendar ensures you have a strategic roadmap for consistent and targeted messaging. These step-by-step guides are invaluable resources, offering practical insights to elevate various aspects of your business, making sure you’re well-equipped for success.

Image Library: Get access to an Image Library for a wealth of visuals to enhance your website, advertising, social media, or email campaigns, all accessible under the QUAA account

Showcase your literary or podcast accomplishments in the Alumni Library. Your work will be featured and promoted monthly through the QUAA newsletter, networking group, and more, ensuring your achievements reach a wider audience

Enroll in our Advocacy Program and amplify the impact of your advocacy endeavors while enjoying financial rewards. As a QUAA Advocate, you earn a continuous 9% kickback for each successful alumni referral you make to the association, making your commitment not only impactful but also financially advantageous





A space for your team to share services delivery, co-manage and work with clients
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View your entire team calendar and all client meetings at a glance

Receive client payments generated by your team services to a centralized account and withdraw available balance to Stripe at any time.

Track revenue and services you’ve delivered to your clients on a monthly basis. Admins can additionally analyze performance per team member.
Control your team members’ access, permissions and billing status.⁤ and dedicated coaching & onboarding sessions to help you get started!

Please note that all Team Members must hold Board Certification and relevant Liability Insurance.



$499.80 /Year


Log in to your course site and access your full program curriculum, including new and updated courses, QU’s Alumni Dissertation Library, and the EBSCO Research Library.

Special discounts and offers from Quantum University Health, Wellness, and Technology Partners.

Webinar series thoughtfully curated to provide you with invaluable insights, practical tips, and inspiring discussions that can elevate your knowledge and skills.

A dynamic tool designed to transform your business plan into a strategic asset. Simplify the process by inputting your practice details, and let this new technology handle the rest. This groundbreaking tool not only saves time but also ensures efficiency, accurate financial modeling, and a professionally tailored roadmap for success. It’s a game-changer, placing cutting-edge technology at your fingertips so you can focus more on your clients and less on the complexities of business planning.